<!-- Form created by TC-HTML version 1.0/b at 17-10-95 11:05:34-->
<CENTER>TC-DIRECTOR (c) tashcom software 1995, all rights are reserved</CENTER><BR>
<H3> Writing html</H3> html stands for Hyperlink text markup language, this enables you to
write your own Webpages.<BR>
Most html tags are included in this version, html however is so much alive that it is possible
that not all tags are included, we will supply regular updates with new tags in it.<BR>
And you can add your own custom made tags<BR>
At this moment Netscape is developing its own scripting language and Java is becoming
popular, chances are that these wil be the standard of tommorow, since 80% of internet
people use netscape, chances are like 99%, these features wil be included in future versions.
TC-DIRECTOR has capabilities to auto-create message forms and index pages for you.<br>
These are just a few of the things what TC-Director has in store for you!.<BR>
This info file was written using the tc-director program, no need for fancy HLP files, if the editor you
use has HTML capabilities, this way the possibilities are shown, that you can unleash.<BR>
<H3>Registration of TC-DIRECTOR</H3>
Registration of TC-DIRECTOR can be done via Email <A HREF="mailto:rpe@euronet.nl">Tashcom software</A>
you wil receive a email with instructions on how you must register.<BR><P>
you will receive a personal code, this wil disable the timer that throws you out of
the program after a certain time.<BR>
The current version is not crippled in any way, you might get some shareware reminders from time to time.All these features will be disabled upon registering.<BR>
Any updates that are supplied wil work with this code, the only drawback is that when a new version (round figure) lets say
2.0 is released you must update your code number.This to eliminate hacks and patches.<BR>
<H3>How to contact us</H3>
<BLINK>Send email to</BLINK> : rpe@euronet.nl, or use our messageform on internet, http://www.euronet.nl/users/rpe/message.html <BR>
via snailmail : Tashcom software p/a Shareware dept.<br>